Wendy Rix Amazing Grace
Wendy Rix Amazing Grace
Wendy Rix Wings of Love
Wendy Rix Wings of Love
I find painting very calming, therapeutic and spiritual.  I paint in response to music, conversations, colours, feelings, nature, my past, my present and my future. Sometimes I wake up with an idea in my head, other times I have an idea, but I need to work through it, so I lie quietly and pray and then I just paint, and it comes. I rarely plan too much ahead, and rarely actually map out out a painting. It grows as I grow. Indigenous artwork tells a story and all paintings find their owner by their connection to the story as well as the visual impact. I paint in a contemporary, abstract style, drawing from my history and family, about experiences, christian themes,  and circumstances relevant to today, although the themes can translate across ages, culture and time.

I have always been interested in art and design, however my career path to get here is very different! I trained as an RN, gaining my DipAppSci (Nursing) at QUT, and then my Bachelor of Nursing at Edith Cowan University. I was a Nursing Officer  in the Royal Australian Army Nursing Corps but discharged after being injured in a car accident. It feels like I have done everything!  I have worked in an Aboriginal Medical Centre,  and Lands Council. I have been a stay at home Mum, a working Mum and a single working Mum! I have worked in a ladies boutique, had a lawn mowing business and sold food via party plan. Eventually going back to nursing and was a  community nurse for a number of years. I completed a Dip Dementia Care  and have also worked with a client in her home via her home care package, doing social art sessions.

​You will find my work overseas and around Australia, on walls as originals or fine art reproductions. You will also see my designs on clothing ranges commissions for indigenous jerseys, as well as my own fabric range. My handcrafted crosses of all sizes can be found in schools, homes and churches. You will also find my work, by way of tattoos, on several people too! 
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